Saturday, May 17, 2014

Help us raise funds through gofundme!

We're kicking off our first campaign on gofundme!

Our goal is to raise $30,000 by June 9, 2014 - the cost for one semester of Bible classes at Cox Mill.

Why crowd-funding?

1.       Multiple small contributions can make a great impact.
2.       Friends and family from all over the world can participate and can share the campaign with others.

3.       Doing so allows us to make better use of our limited number of volunteers.

We are asking that you:

1.       DONATE whatever you can – there is a minimum donation of $5 and ANY amount is appreciated.

2.       SHARE our fundraising page with your friends, family, neighbors, Sunday School class, etc. using email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. There is a link on the page that makes sharing super easy.

3.       REMIND your friends and family to donate and then re-send your request once a week. With such busy schedules, reminders can be helpful.

Your help is appreciated!