CMBTA Constitution



Adopted March 9, 2009


The name of this organization shall be the Cox Mill High School Bible Teaching Association.

ARTICLE II – Purpose/Mission Statement

 Whereas the Bible has had a profound influence on American history, community life, law, music, art and literature, and is the most influential book in world history, therefore the Cox Mill High School Bible Teaching Association is organized for the purpose of providing all funds necessary for the teaching of academic courses in Bible in Cox Mill High School in support of the Cabarrus County School System.  

ARTICLE III - Guidelines  

(1) It shall be understood that the teacher shall be hired and supervised by the Cabarrus County System in the                                                        same manner as other teachers. 

(2) It shall be understood that the curriculum shall be established by the Cabarrus County School System in the same manner as other curriculum. 

ARTICLE IV - Membership 

(1) For purposes of promotion, fund-raising, support, and information, the Association shall consist of the Board of Directors, officio and ex-officio members and all those contributing to and supporting the purposes of this organization.   

(2) For purposes of legislation and administration, all power is vested in the Board of Directors. 

ARTICLE V - Meetings 

(1) The Board of Directors shall meet annually at a time and place to be set by the Executive Committee, to elect officers, a Board of Directors, and to transact any business that is consistent with the purpose as stated in Article II. 

(2) Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the Executive Committee. 

ARTICLE VI - Officers and Board of Directors  

(1) The Association shall elect biannually a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary who shall serve for a term of two years.    

(2) The Treasurer shall serve at the discretion of the Committee. 

(3) The Association shall have a Board of Directors consisting of not more than twenty members under the leadership of the Officers who will have general supervision of the organization and whose major responsibilities shall be the raising of funds and preparing a budget for the fulfilling of the purposes of the organization. 

a.     The officers shall be members of the Board of Directors.

b.     Up to nine members shall be elected on a rotating basis to serve a term of three years each.

c.     The following shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors, having voice without vote: the Superintendent of the Cabarrus County Schools or his designated appointee and the Principal of Cox Mill High School.

(4) Annual elections shall be held at the duly called meeting between March 1 and May 31. 

a.     Special elections to fill unexpired terms shall follow the regular method of nomination and election, except that the election may be held any time as needed.

b.     All officers and directors assume their responsibilities on June 1 following their election.

c.     Officers may be re-elected for one consecutive term for a total of four years of service.

(5) Nominations shall be submitted for election by a Nominating Committee consisting of four Past Presidents (if possible) and members of the board as appointed by the President. 

(6) Nominations for the Board shall be made from members of the community who support the purposes of the organization as stated above.

ARTICLE VII - Committees 

(1) There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers of the Association. 

(2) The Board of Directors shall appoint, when necessary, the following committees: 

a.     a Nominating Committee, to be appointed as needed, for the purposes of nominating Directors to this board;

b.     a Project Committee, to be appointed as needed, for the purpose of fund-raising;

 (3) There may be other committees appointed by the Board of Directors when deemed necessary. 

ARTICLE VIII - Dissolution 

In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the Association will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations as described in Section 501 (c) (3) and 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or to the Federal, State or Local government for exclusive public purpose.  Assets shall be used whenever possible to achieve similar educational goals as espoused by this organization.  The Board shall, subject to approval of the Association, determine the eligible organizations, which shall receive the residual assets in the event of dissolution. 

Dissolution shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of the directors present at any meeting of the directors, provided notice of the same has been included in the call to the meeting. 

ARTICLE IX - Amendments 

Amendments to this constitution may be made by a two-thirds vote at any meeting of the Board of Directors, provided that notice of the same has been included in the call to the meetings.